A promising debut with Forza Racing

Tamás Gender Junior made his debut with his new team, Forza Racing, at this year’s third round of the Champions of the Future Euro Series. The Hungarian kart driver's first race weekend with Forza Racing was focused on getting familiar with the team.

Between 1 and 3 June, Tamás Gender Junior competed for the first time with Forza Racing in the prestigious Champions of the Future Euro Series, featuring a field of nearly 100 participants. The track in Rodby, Denmark, was unknown to the entire field due to its renovation, and the Hungarian kart driver only tried it out for the first time at the test before the race weekend, but he was immediately impressed.

After a good qualifying on a rhythmic and narrow asphalt track, he achieved the 18th starting position for the heats. His main objective during the heats was to find his rhythm among the strong field and develop a better synergy with his new team. However, it wasn't an easy task as he competed in the group F in every heat, which meant he had to start from the dusty outer line where his tires struggled to find grip for 1-2 laps. Although he did not qualify for Saturday's Super Heat, he gained valuable experience from the heats.

"After a successful test session and getting acquainted with the track, I started the first day of the race weekend with a good pace. In my qualifying group, I was only four and a half tenths of a second behind the leader on the over 50-second lap,"- began the evaluation of the race weekend the Hungarian Motorsport Academy supported athlete. - "On the qualifying day, I competed in two heats, which turned out to be quite eventful. In the second heat, one of my rivals hit me from behind with such force that my kart went up in the air and I was pushed off the track. After that incident, I kept my head down, caught up with the field, and even managed to gain one position."

"My second day also started well with the warm-up, but in the first heat of the day my kart's rear slipped and I couldn't go fast enough. My team worked hard to improve the situation for the rest of the race and it did, which improved my pace. I had a great battle in the last two heats, but I didn't make it to the Super Heat. There are still some adjustments to be made in the setup, and I also need to get into the rhythm with this strong field. Thanks for the hard work Forza Racing, we'll keep moving forward."

The detailed results of this weekend's third Champions of the Future Euro Series can be found HERE.

Tamás Gender Junior, OKJ results:

Participants: 94
Qualifying group: P18
Qualifying overall: P54
E-F Heat: P23
C-F Heat: P27
B-F Heat: P27
D-F Heat: P26
A-F Heat: P26
Heats overall: P87
Super Heat: -
Super Heat overall: -
Final: -


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