FIA Karting World Championship: Gender Tamás Junior is in the top of the field

Gender Tamás Junior is in the TOP 5 in the free practices and in  TOP 10 in the race as the only Hungarian driver - this is the result of the FIA Karting World Championship for Tamás Gender Junior. The young Hungarian kart racer reached the semi-finals of his first ever World Championship in Italy despite being penalised twice by 5 seconds. An excellent performance from the Hungarian Motorsport Academy-backed Hungarian driver, who has consistently been within 0.3 seconds of the best lap time in every race. The OKJ category has never seen such a large field. Out of the 123 karters in the field, he reached the semi-finals, where he fought a huge battle for every position in a tough field. He was able to keep up a good pace throughout the World Championship. In Franciacorta, the newcomer to the world championship field, Tamás Gender Junior, who was provided with competitive equipment by Forza Racing and Machac Motors, made his mark among the best karters.


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